These are the billboards that are scattered around the Gastonia, Mt. Holly and Belmont area. The pot featured on the billboard is Linda Dalton's, from West End, NC. We're excited about the festival--please spread the word to your pottery friends and lovers (lovers of pottery or your lovers of potters, whatever works for you--isn't the English language great, it's so encompassing sometimes!) about the Festival. You can like it on Facebook and you can sign up for the emails at the blog,
Ok, I have tried to link to the Facebook page about 6 times now and am not getting it correct, so you'll just have to look for Carolina Pottery Festival on Facebook. It's NOT the Carolina Claymatters Pottery Festival. They're the other guys that were formerly known as the McAlpine Barn Sale. A great bunch and you can like them too, but make sure you find the real page for us!