Thursday, March 28, 2013

The moon and paintings

I have been invited to do a painting for the North Carolina Pottery Center's 2nd annual Potter's Palette event. Flowers have been on my mind and this striking view of the moon through my Bradford Pear tree's blossoms caught my eye the other night. There is just something magic about the night and the way things look in moonlight. But, probably won't be doing this image. I wanted to incorporate a piece of pottery in the painting and I think I am going to use my most favorite teabowl. Whenever I need a pick me up, I turn to my Ruggles and Rankin (Rock Creek Pottery), chipped though it is. It's even more valuable to me now, because they aren't making work that I could replace it with. Check back to see how it's going. The painting is due at the Center on April 16th. Best get those brushes moving!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A really green vehicle.

I am just fascinated by this vehicle. I've seen it sitting at a McDonalds and this photo was at a KFC. Those little donkies are pretty patient. I've even seen it out on the road once, clip-clopping along. Makes me want to burst into a verse of "The Surry with the Fringe on Top" from Oklahoma.... chicks and ducks and geese better scurry!

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Clean Up Sale

Bluegill Pottery Spring De-Clutter and Space Creation

It’s time for the clean out of the studio to make way for creation of more pottery. And no, I am not “quitting” pottery, just shedding some of the material baggage and duplicates I no longer need.

Mark Saturday, March 9th from 2:30 to 5:30 on your calendar for the Bluegill Studio Cleanout…………4522 Wilkinson Blvd., Gastonia, NC 28056. For questions about what’s going, call 704-824-9928 or 704-678-6195.
A minor list of the things I’ll have for purchase:

• A slew of books, much fiction and philosophy.
• Artbooks and some ceramics books
• Ceramics Monthly and Pottery Making Illustrated back issues
• A tall director’s chair with khaki seat and back cover
• A small kiln which has potential as a raku container or a test kiln if you want to do repairs.
• Some handbuilding and wheel throwing tools
• Acryllic and metal plate stands in various sizes
• A push mower, muscle powered for the green minded
• Wooden table shelving
• Stained, hollow core doors
• Jewelry beads and stones
• Used canvases
• 16 x 20 frames with glass (no mat board) suitable for drawings, prints and watercolors
• Handmade Bisque stamps and spring molds
• Wooden stools (great for throwing)
Cash or checks accepted.

Call before just “dropping” by, except for times listed above.