Sunday, December 21, 2008

Beautiful Night

Here's wishing all of you a beautiful night, and Happy Holidays.
I am taking a pottery break from now until New Years, then have a show scheduled in Mississippi in January. We'll see what gets blogged during that time, but I will be checking out all your blogs to see what you've been doing.
My best to you!


Spinning Madly On said...

Hi Vicki . . . I have been reading your blog for a while but just wanted to tell you what an inspiration you are. I really enjoy your "process" posts. They inspire me. Thank you for sharing . . . I look forward to continued reading.

be said...

Hi Vickie, I just "discovered" you from Linda Starr's blogroll and I'm happy to have found you. I appreciate hearing about what inspires you. Love the leaves outside and inside your studio. And your haiku - lovely and evocative. Hope to hear more from you when you have the time.