And then there's the order for 2 different plates, to coordinate with other plates from other potters.
I like it. It's an individual world with people being able to have something unique and lovely but not the same as anyone else.
Gosh, these people have won the pottery lottery, because the odds that almost anyone else out there has something similar are about one in whatever the population of Earth currently is.
Pretty cool. I am feeling extra super duper cool about being a potter right now. Plus, I had a darn good kiln firing yesterday.
What a great post about mixed sets, love is complicated nowadays and perhaps pottery choices are reflected in that fact. Making pottery can be so up or so down, so glad you have good firing.
Thanks Linda. You're right about the so up or down. Sometimes you even think you have had a great firing and look the next morning and find all these things you didn't see before that taint that view. Luckily this did not happen on my last firing. So I am hugging the memory of it to me like a well worn, beloved toy to tide me through future firings!
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