Sunday, November 8, 2009

Let's get it right! Carolina Pottery Festival is Nov. 14th

Well, the very nice article that the Gaston Gazette published about the festival only had one thing wrong-WRONG DATE. I'm hoping that all these postcards and the signage, the blog, the website, the potters participating, the emails, etc--all that hard work that has been going on for months counterbalances the article's inaccuracy. I know one couple came into the shop today and told me about the article, which came out on Friday. I also had a phone call from someone who drove to Shelby for the Festival and all they found was a bunch of barbeque.
I need all the help I can get on this one, so if you read this blog and can send a shout out to your friends and lists, THE FESTIVAL IS ON NOV. 14TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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