Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Published in Homegrown Handmade

I was thrilled to be included in the book, Homegrown Handmade Art Roads and Farm Trails. It's a really cool touring book that gives you different trails to see artist studios, farms, galleries, etc. I think it's a great way to discover all the cool stuff in your own backyard. A "Daytripping" kind of thing where you can stay close to home but feel like you've had a mini-vacation in this new age of expensive gas.

Note of frustration: You won't be able to get there from my link above. Tried about 10 times to get the link to work, but to NO AVAIL. Sometimes these computers drive me freakin crazy! It could also be because I worked for hours on end last night and some this morning on the postcard design for the Carolina Pottery Festival and my patience is nonexistent at this point. Time to go make some clay and gain that equilibrium back.

Anyway, try and after you enter the site, go to the recent publications tab
to see the book, or look at Amazon online.

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